Managing African lions for future generations to enjoy

LiMF Vision

The managed wild lion population of South Africa is a robust lion population that contributes to the well-being of people.

LiMF Mission

To provide a platform for the development and sharing of best practice guidelines for managed wild lions in South Africa through facilitating relevant research, risk assessments and socio-economic development initiatives.

LiMF will achieve this through:

  • Recognition of the contribution that lion makes to conservation, culture and economics in South Africa
  • Integrated and common approach to conservation management across conservation agencies and the private sector
  • A holistic ecosystem approach rather than a species-specific approach
  • Broadly inclusive of all stakeholders
  • Incorporating economic outputs and outcomes into an integrated plan
  • Applying ethical principles to defining best practice management for lion
  • Using evidence based decision-making
  • Documented and agreed best practice for planning, management, monitoring, and directed research guiding lion conservation
  • Alignment with regional and international laws, policies, guidelines, and strategies.

LiMF has over 100 members including:

  • Reserve Managers and Ecologists
  • Veterinarians
  • Academics
  • Government Officials
  • NGOs
  • Students
  • International Members

Terms & Conditions

© Lion Management Forum of South Africa 2021 – All Rights Reserved
Web design by Murray Ralfe; hosting by Evoweb
Header photographs kindly donated by Roger and Pat de la Harpe ( No reproduction without permission.